Quality and safety
We attach great imortance to maintaining high standards of quality and safety. We have devoleped our own continous quality management system for our indurstrial equipment. Furthermore all devices from our standard product range are TÜV/GS tested and certified.
Quality Assurance
We have developed our own continous quality management system for our industrial equipment. It defines all essential tasks for quality assurance: from the statement of customer´s requirements, construction and production to the handover of the machine ready for operation. This is reflected in the CE declaration issued for the respective product.
In addition, TÜV Product Service GmbH tests and certifies all essential devices from our standard product range. Furthermore, the production of these devices is also certified annually for compliance with all relevant regulations.

Maintenance of Industrial Health and Safety Standards
Occupational safety for the operators of our products has the highest priority for eska. This is based on the product´s quality that has been consistently high for decades and the regular further training of our employees, especially in the field of occupational safety.
We ensure strict compliance with all necessary guidelines for work safety and take a large number of measures in this context. The spectrum rages from the evaluation of new substanes and processes to regular instruction of our employees, ADAC driving training especially for our young employees and training in the use of industrial trucks.
In adddition, the Occupational Safety Committee meets regularly, strengthened by an external safety specialist and a doctor in further training (occupational medicine) from the company medical centre in Fulda.
Another important partner for in-house advice and further training is the Berufsgenossenschaft Holz-Metall (Wood and Metal Employers´ Liability Insurance Association).
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